Stefanía Contreras

Senior Account Executive - Colombia

Stefanía has more than three years of experience in corporate communications and public relations, working on positioning, reputation, and communication strategies for clients in a variety of sectors.

More About Stefanía Contreras

Stefanía has more than three years of experience in corporate communications and public relations. During her professional career, she has worked in positioning, reputation, and communication strategies for clients in the energy, mass consumption, and technology sectors. Stefanía is organized, empathetic, a leader, proactive, and knows how to work in a team and under pressure.

During her time at BCW, Stefanía has achieved remarkable achievements and results, not only with national clients but also with multinationals and foreign markets. With her work, she has managed to position spokespersons before the industry and the media, contributing positively to each brand's reputation and business objectives.

Within her work experience, Stefanía has worked for the communications team of large companies such as the Enel Group. In addition, during her time at Grupo Babel, she worked for Samsung Colombia. Recently, she has worked with clients such as iFood, SoyYo, the Chinese Embassy in Colombia, Kushki Ecuador, Cabify, and Intel Colombia, among others.

Stefanía is a graduate of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana from the Social Communication program with an emphasis in audiovisual production and radio production. She has a B1 level of English and extensive knowledge of digital listening platforms and social networks.