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African Youth Survey 2020 Resets Global Narrative on AfricaFebruary 24, 2020

The Ichikowitz Family Foundation today launched its African Youth Survey 2020, the most comprehensive survey to date of sub-Saharan Africa’s youth, supported across the globe by communications partner BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe).

Across Africa and globally, the results of the African Youth Survey 2020 provide the valuable insights that will help businesses to better understand the African environment and plot their courses as they move into or expand on the continent.

In 2015, 226 million youth (15 – 24 years) lived in Africa. By 2030, this number is projected to increase by 42 per cent, and to more than double by 2055, according to the United Nations. Given this, these insights are invaluable to those who wish to participate in the continent’s potential.

Conducted across 14 African countries by PSB, part of BCW Group of companies, the African Youth Survey 2020 shifts the ‘hopeless continent’ narrative to reveal a rising ‘Afro-Optimism’ and ‘Afro-Capability’ driven by entrepreneurship, digital technologies and a shared African identity.

Ichikowitz Family Foundation Chairman, Ivor Ichikowitz describes the results of the African Youth Survey 2020 as “a loud wake-up call to all the Afro-sceptics”. The survey reveals young people who are optimistic about the future, who are self-starters, digital and media savvy; young people who are pan-African and tolerant but also mindful of the things that could blight their futures.

Robyn de Villiers, Chairperson and CEO of BCW Africa, the largest network of independent, indigenous public relations firms on the continent, describes the study as inspirational. “The African Youth Survey 2020 reveals the hopes, aspirations and concerns of African youth, but most importantly, it brings to light the sheer optimism of the largest and fastest growing demographic in the world. These insights are extremely valuable for those in the private and public sectors – in fact for anyone doing business of any kind on the continent.”

Key highlights of the survey

  • African youth are overwhelmingly positive with 72% saying they are confident about their financial future.
  • The next African generation are entrepreneurs and self-starters: 76% want to start a business in the next five years, while 60% have an idea for a business or social enterprise.
  • For 79% of African youth, Wi-Fi access is seen as a fundamental human right.
  • African youth are not that concerned by climate change, but they are worried about water scarcity (86%), plastic waste (79%) and poaching of wildlife (69%).
  • Sixty-three percent (63%) of young Africans call for unity to bring Africa forward; 72% believe the African Union can unite Africa.
  • Seventy-six percent (76%) of African youth agree that a shared African identity exists.

In the words of Ivor Ichikowitz, “Africa’s youth, measured just in sheer numbers, will be the world’s most important demographic in 30 years. Ignoring their voices would be a catastrophe.”

About the African Youth Survey 2020

Global custom research and analytics consultancy PSB conducted in-depth, face-to-face interviews in Congo Brazzaville, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe with 4 200 nationals of each country between the ages of 18 and 24. The gender split was exactly 50:50.

Visit www.ichikowitzfoundation.com to download the full report.